Les objets sont ce qu'ils sont, l'homme n'est pas ce qu'il est, il est ce qu'il n'est pas. (Objects are what they are, man is not what he is, he is what he is not.)


Tianhao CHEN (陈 天浩)

About me

I am currently pursuing a Master’s in Computer Science at ETH Zürich, beginning in Fall 2023. Prior to this, I worked as a research assistant at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) under the supervision of Prof. Yu Li. I earned my Bachelor’s degree with first honors in Computer Science from CUHK in 2022, where my thesis on 3D object detection was guided by Prof. Chi-Wing Fu.

My research interests encompass deep learningcomputer visioncomputer graphics, and bioinformatics. I am deeply passionate about harnessing the power of deep learning to solve real-world challenges and improve the quality of life.

Outside of academics, I am an amateur violinist and music creator with a love for almost all genres of music.

You can access my detailed CV here.

Contact me

Email: chenth44 [at] [gmail / outlook] [dot] com