Markov Chains

Discrete Stochastic Processes

A discrete stochastic process is a discrete system in which transitions occur randomly according to some probability distribution.


Finite Markov Chains

A finite Markov chain is a memoryless homogeneous stochastic process with a finite number of states S={1n}. It is characterized by a transition matrix P=[pij]i,jS and an initial distribution q0, where (q0)i=P[X0=i].

State Probabilities

The probability distribution of states at time step t can be represented as a vector qt. By marginalizing out the distribution of the previous time step:




which indicates that the distribution at each time step is well-defined as long as the initial distribution q0 is specified.

We denote the probability P[Xt=jX0=i] as pij(t) for simplicity.

Stationary Distribution

A stationary distribution is a state vector π, such that


In other words, π is an eigenvector of PT to eigenvalue 1.

Irreducible Markov Chains

A Markov chain is irreducible if for all i,jS, n, s.t. pij(n)>0, i.e. State j is accessible from State i. A irreducible Markov chain has a strongly connected underlying transition graph.

An irreducible Markov chain has a unique stationary state π.


where hij, the hitting time, is the average number of steps needed to go from i to j:


In the following state diagram, State 0 and State 2 are not accessible to each other. Therefore, the Markov chain is not irreducible, and any [a,0,1a]T can be a stationary state.

	direction LR
    state "0" as zero
    state "1" as one
    state "2" as two

    zero --> zero : 1

    one --> zero: q
    one --> two : p

    two --> two: 1

Aperiodic Markov Chains

The periodicity of a state jS is gcd{n0pjj(n)>0}.

A Markov chain is aperiodic if all states have periodicity 1. i.e., if for all iS,

gcd{length of the walks from i to i}=1.

For every irreducible, aperiodic (ergodic) Markov chain, independently of q0,

Time-reversible Markov Chains

Consider an ergodic Markov chain {X0,X1,,Xt,}. Given a (large) time step n, we trace the states going back in time. It turns out that {Yk=Xnkk=0,1,} is a Markov chain with transition probabilities:


Using Bayes' theorem,

Continuous-time Markov Chains

Rather than a transition matrix, we have a transition probability density p(xx), where x,xRd.

A stationary distribution π(x) satisfies


The reverse transition probabilities is defined as
