Singular Value Decomposition

SVD Theorem

For each matrix ARn×m, there exists a padded diagonal matrix ΣRn×m and orthogonal matrices URn×n and VRm×m such that A can be expressed as




One can often prune columns of U or V corresponding to zero elements in Σ. For example, if n>m, then we can have
where U:,1:m is the first m columns of U, and Σ1:m is the first m rows (non-zero rows) of Σ.

SVD and Eigendecomposition

SVD of A is intimately related to the eigendecomposition of the product of A with its transpose:


where σr=0 if r>min{n,m}.

One can also note that in PCA, we perform eigendecomposition on the covariance matrix XXT. Therefore, we can also apply SVD to the data matrix X to identify the principle eigenvectors.

SVD and Frobenius Norm

The squared Frobenius norm of a matrix ARn×m is the sum of its squared singular values:


Using the properties of the trace

SVD and Spectral Norm

The spectral norm of a matrix A equals the largest singular value σ1:



SVD for Low-Rank Approximation

eckart-young theorem

Given ARn×m with SVD A=UΣVT. Then for all 1kmin{n,m}:
where Σk is rectangular and padded accroding to the dimensions of U and V.

The theorem also gives the following corollary:


The squared error of low rank approximations can be expressed as

In addition, Ak also minimizes the loss defined by spectral norm:


SVD can be seen as an additive superposition of k rank 1 matrices:


SVD for Matrix Completion

For fully observed matrices, SVD is computable with O(min{nm2,mn2}) complexity, which is an important example of a solvable non-convex problem. However, in the case of incomplete observations, SVD is in general not application directly to compute low-rank approximations. Low-rank matrix approximation with a weighted Frobenius norm is defined as follows:

A^k=argminBi,jwij(aijbij)2,s.t. rank(B)=k,

where the weights wij=ωij{0,1} in the collaborative filtering settings, or they can be some positive values. In both case, the problem has been shown to be NP-hard, even for k=1.